Well, here we are. Modern technology has indulged my impulse and I’ve started a newsletter called Weird Tableau. Why do you ask? I suppose, I’ll explain.
I’ve been using Tableau consistently since 2014 and everything I’ve learned has been thanks to the amazing Tableau community. I’ve watched hundreds of YouTube tutorials (shout outs to The Information Lab & SuperDataScience), spent hours reading blog posts (Playfair Data, Flerlage Twins, VizWiz, and too many others to list), and combed through Tableau Community Forums like those guys in Space Balls.
And after eight years, I’ve come to realize that my Tableau use cases are… a little weird. You see, I’ve never used Sample Superstore, I’ve never built a dashboard to track retail sales, or web traffic, or marketing campaign KPI’s. Finance dashboards - no; HR dashboards - nope; insurance claims - nada; travel expenses - definitely not. But I have built a Tableau dashboard to help organize online magazine articles, I’ve visualized the findings of a scientific study on bioretention, and created a Tableau based mapping platform to help local governments with redistricting. It seems to me that I’m something of a Tableau weirdo. But there must be more people out there using Tableau in less conventional ways and I want to find them!
So, this newsletter is for all the other Tableau weirdos out there (and conventional Tableau users too, everyone is welcome here!). I’ll write about some outside the box Tableau use case each week. Some will be from me and I hope, some will come from the Tableau Community. I plan to make my first real post sometime later this week, so stay tuned!
Oh, and tell me if you’re a Tableau weirdo too. I’d love to hear about other less conventional Tableau use cases, so drop them in the comments.
I think your blog is wonderful, because I feel the same way towards learning and using Tableau, and it's a bonus that we can sign up for your newsletter. Are you planning to resume adding new content?